So, this is something that happened when I worked at a steakhouse in NC. I was opening that day, and we were still doing our sidework before the doors were unlocked. Now, this love didn't open until 11, and as openers, one of us got in at 10, and the other about 10:15. This couple had been waiting to be let in since 10:30, so we were having some laughs about that. Lunch was usually slow during the week, so we thought it was pretty damn funny that someone wanted a steak lunch THAT badly.
When we opened the place up, they were sat in my section, here's how it went...
(SP=stupid people)
(Me= obviously, me)
SP "Can we get your BREAKFAST menu?! (annoyed sigh)We came here for your breakfast, and you wouldn't even let us in. You saw us waiting!"
Me " Sorry, Ma'am, we don't open until 11, and we don't serve breakfast."
SP " yes you do! We had it a few months ago. You must be new."
Me " sorry Ma'am, I've been here for almost two years, and we've never had breakfast items. We are only open lunch and dinner. Could I start you ou with anything to drink?"
SP " no, you will serve me breakfast. I want eggs and ham on a croissant. NOW!"
Me " I'm sorry, Ma'am, but we do not have ANY breakfast items in the restaurant to make you a breakfast. There IS a place across the street that serves breakfast, if you'd like to head over there."
SP " don't you have ANYTHING I can eat?! #*{%*! Stupid kind of place doesn't sell breakfast?"
Me " Ma'am, we have lots to choose from in our menu, and our steaks are quite good."
SP " NO! Why do y'all only sell STEAK stuff?!
Me "Ma'am, this is [ ] Steakhouse, we serve steaks. It's what we do."
I swear, these people were so clueless, and I will never forget that openin shift. We cracked jokes about that appear long. I'll have to remember to tell about the table of Marines that tried to steal a giant moosehead off the wall.
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